I originally tried this using a sub-query like:

SELECT Users.UserName, Items.ItemName FROM Users INNER JOIN Items WHERE Items.UserID = Users.UserID WHERE ItemID = (SELECT TOP 1 ItemID FROM Items WHERE UserID=Users.UserID ORDER BY Items.ItemDate DESC)

This worked but was prohibitively slow (the full query took 24 minutes).  I found a much more efficient way to do it was like this:

SELECT Users.UserName, Items.ItemName FROM Users INNER JOIN (SELECT UserID, MAX(ItemDate) AS ItemDate FROM Items GROUP BY UserID) AS UserItemDate ON UserItemDate.UserID = Users.UserID INNER JOIN Items ON Item.UserID = Users.UserID AND Item.ItemDate = UserItemDate.ItemDate

This produced the same results much faster (21 seconds).  In my case I actually made the UserItemDate query a view as I had to use it a couple of times.  Note however that it can return multiple items for a user if they have the same date.

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